Friday, November 21, 2008

Playing AMUN

Today I got to co-chair the Security Council for simulation involving a bunch of high school kids. I will continue to do so tomorrow.

I started doing this a few years ago as a way to make a few extra points in a class on the UN, but then I found that it was basically something that I really enjoy. It is a role playing game that gets the people playing to play as world leaders. The delegates then get to solve the world's problems by using their powers of coercion and compromise with their fellow delegates. Meanwhile, I make sure Robert looks down upon us and sees order.

For me this is the closest I have ever gotten to playing any kind of table top RPG. Mostly this is because I have never really found anyone that shares the same mix of love and ironic disdain for a game like D&D to play with. But, I love the way that you have a group of players all out for themselves but being forced to work together by a powerful force in the Dungeon Master. If done well everyone involved feels pretty good. The players with a bit of luck and skill have conquered the challenge, and the DM has made a fun story that will be remembered by all who got to be a part of it.

With the AMUN this is hard to do. There are so many people playing that compromise is rarely going to lead to action, but there is always the chance that you can get Russia to at least not disagree with what's going on. Or maybe you can get the France and China to but author a bill about Africa. Sure it might not be totally in character, but it can still be rewarding.

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