Friday, June 20, 2008

Killing Yourself to Live 85% of a True Story

I read Chuck Klosterman's books for two reasons. The first is that I feel like I end up writing wonderfully self-indulgent books, but knowing Klosterman exists I can feel like I might be able to be successful at it someday. Hopefully this will not show up too much in my Honors Thesis I am currently working on.

The second reason is my voyeuristic need to feel connected to someone. I think that this is the way most people feel about Britney Spears or Brad Pitt. It is a desire to reach out to someone who seems like you (or like you want to be) but successful. It would be safe to say that I don't want to be like Klosterman, but I relate to some of the confusing thoughts he is somehow willing to share with the world.

As a book about how death affects rock stars this book fails. But if you consider that as just the setting for one guy trying to understand why he does anything in life then it becomes about everyone.

Yes, this book once again proves that Klosterman is an asshole. He makes that clear just by writing the book. Also, yes, this book is a bit self indulgent at times. Not everyone will find Klosterman's ramblings about why he reads or loves KISS to be important. Oh, and yes, the way he talks about Elvis should insult you.

I relate to Klosterman. My thoughts are often just as rambling, confusing, depressing, and fun. I would like to think everyone's thoughts are, and that's why I enjoy him.

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