Sunday, October 26, 2008

Meditations in an Emergency

I was just washing dishes when I got a message asking if I was okay from my brother. Considering I hadn't spoken to him in ages and there was seemingly no reason for me to be not okay I was confused. It turns out there has been a shooting on my university's campus.

As of right now the news is sketchy at best, but I really have to say that I am not sure what to make of the whole thing. It isn't likely that I know any of the people shot. I am safe off campus in my little house. Everyone I would think to call and check on is informed of the situation and is not worried about me, nor I them. But there was just a shooting on campus.

The worst part of it is that some of my first thoughts about the shooting were that I would have to watch my tongue and not make any distasteful jokes. But that is jut how I react to things I guess...

All of this just makes me think about all the press coverage that I have seen over the years of random places with sad people out to make a name for themselves the easiest way possible. But those kids did it in the day where there were plenty of people to shoot and plenty of people to see the shooting.

This means that either we have the dumbest camera-whore of a shooter ever or it has to be an isolated incident that happen for some even more random reason. And to be quite frank, I am not sure which I would prefer.

It seems it has made the national news now.

I am just lucky that I am one of the few kids on campus that have access to HCOL as a place to turn for comfort. It is nice to see all the people I know logged in. All of us with baited breath. Waiting for each bit of information to come down the wire.

May we all find the strength and comfort we need and pass these things on to others who might need more than they have.

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